Our spine is made of bones (the vertebrae), cushiony intervertebral discs that absorb pressure and provide flexibility, and the spinal cord and related nerves.
A ruptured or herniated disc may not only cause pain, but it can also cause weakness and numbness in your back and in other areas of your body. In order to avoid developing a herniated disc that requires surgical repair, you can foster a strong and healthy spine by following these straightforward tips:
Keep Your Weight Under Control
Being overweight is one of the factors that can contribute to the development of herniated discs and other back issues. Your body can only support so much load before your joints start to suffer, and these include your knees, hips, ankles, and the facet joints in the spine.
Practice Good Posture
Many of us slouch a bit while sitting, standing, or walking. However, slouching can damage your spine by putting the vertebral column into a slightly curved shape rather than a straight shape, thereby compressing the discs in the area of the curvature.
To maintain good posture:
- Make sure that your office chair provides proper back support, especially in the lumbar (low-back) area.
- Keep your back straight and your shoulders back when walking, standing, and sitting.
- Find a sleeping position that supports your back and neck – preferably on your side, with your knees bent.
- Invest in a firm but comfortable mattresses.
- When exercising, wear comfortable and supportive shoes.
Lift Objects Properly
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “lift with your knees, not with your back.” When lifting, squat straight downward while keeping your back straight, grasp the object, and stand up while keeping your back straight and your shoulders as square as possible. This will put the pressure naturally on the muscles in your legs, glutes, and abdomen rather than putting pressure on your spine.
Try Pain-Relief Injection Treatments for Herniated Discs
If you have a herniated disc and persistent back pain, then it is a good idea to try a revolutionary relief method called oxygen-ozone injection therapy. This treatment works by your physician injecting the painful area of your spine with a natural solution that actually deflates the herniation. By minimizing the size of that area of the disc, it alleviates the pressure on the nerve which is causing pain.
Alternative Disc Therapy in Caldwell, NJ
The Alternative Disc Therapy performed by Dr. Warren Bleiweiss can help you to fully recover from back problems – such as a herniated disc – through long-lasting, minimally invasive alternative methods. He specializes in providing oxygen ozone injections directly into the painful area of the spine for immediate and ongoing relief of your back pain.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bleiweiss, contact our friendly staff today by calling us at (973) 403-3334 or by filling out our appointment request form online now. We look forward to helping you restore a healthy and pain-free back.