We all know that oxygen (O2) is the most essential element to human survival. But did you know that the average person inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide (CO2) an astonishing 22,000 times a day?
The addition of oxygen to your system plays a vital role in your body’s growth, reproduction, and ability to convert food into energy. It enables your body to repair itself when injured, and it boosts your immune system so it can ward off many life-threatening diseases.
So, it only stands to reason that improving your oxygen levels with oxygen ozone therapy can repair your cells and help you maintain optimal health and vitality. Ozone (O3) is a form of oxygen that consists of three atoms as opposed to the standard two-atom structure. That third atom imbues the molecule with powerful regenerative features, making it a great option for treating all kinds of conditions.
Medical-grade ozone has been used by healthcare professionals to disinfect supplies and treat a variety of conditions for more than 100 years. Ozone injection therapy is an effective alternative to conventional injection treatments and an alternative to a number ofinvasive procedures including knee replacement surgery.
Here are four other fascinating facts about the regenerative power of oxygen ozone therapy:
1. Oxygen Ozone Therapy Can Improve a Wide Variety of Health Conditions
Among its therapeutic benefits, medical grade ozone can:
- Ease joint and muscle pain
- Treat disc herniations and sports injuries
- Treat arthritis
- Boost a sluggish immune system
Ozone injection therapy is highly customizable for each patient. Depending on the condition being treated and the severity of the condition, patients may find relief after a few injections, or they may need regular injections for few weeks.
Each patient is different, and ozone injection therapy can accommodate for that. With a review of the patient’s medical history and a physical evaluation, a custom treatment plan can be created that gives the patient the most benefit possible.
2. Medical Grade Ozone Enhances Your Immune System in Three Ways
Ozone injection therapy has been proven effective in destroying bacteria and fungi, as well as inactivating viruses. It also increases oxygenation to your tissues, giving your immune system the strength to fight off harmful antigens from entering your body in the first place. In addition to stimulating your immune cells, ozone improves red blood cell oxygenation, thereby releasing growth factors in your body to improve healing.
3. Ozone Therapy Provides Significant Anti-Aging Benefits
By oxygenating every cell in your body,ozone helps improve your energy and vitality. In addition, it eliminates many skin impurities and heals your skin from the inside out.
4. Oxygen Ozone Therapy Improves Your Brain Function
If you are experiencing a lack of mental focus and have difficulty concentrating, oxygen ozone therapy can stimulate your mitochondria to promote better cognitive function. Patients undergoing oxygen ozone therapy for brain fog, for example, report enhanced brain function, as well as a real boost in their peak energy levels.
Oxygen Ozone Therapy in Caldwell, New Jersey
Dr. Warren J. Bleiweiss is a triple board-certified physician and nationwide leader in the field of regenerative medicine and routinely performs ozone injections at Alternative Disc Therapy in Caldwell, New Jersey. Dr. Bleiweiss uses oxygen ozone therapy to treat disc herniations, joint pain, muscle pain, sports injuries, back and neck pain, arthritis, and other painful conditions with effective and reliable results. In addition, Dr. Bleiweiss utilizes this safe and proven protocol to strengthen the immune system and help ward off viruses and harmful bacteria.
Oxygen ozone therapy is a simple in-office injection treatment performed by Dr. Bleiweiss that does not require anesthesia. For painful hip joints, ultrasound guidance is used. This is a simple outpatient procedure that doesn’t require any downtime. Once you’ve received your ozone treatment, you drive yourself home and resume your normal activities.
If you’re tired of living with chronic pain and are looking for a nonsurgical solution, it’s time to explore the many benefits of oxygen-ozone therapy. To learn more, call us at (973) 403-3334 toarrange a consultation with Dr. Bleiweiss. You can also use our convenient appointment request form to schedule your visit. Telemedicine appointments are also available. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!